Sentenced for Silence
The cover photo of a jail cell and lock is a stock image enhanced with Photoshop. It represents a journalist who refused to reveal his source. This is a fictional novel based on a real court decisions and events the author witnessed in court, including a legal document, research papers, and newspaper and magazine pieces…
Death at Dark Hollow Hole
A true crime story of a murder at Jacks Fork River in 1984. The cover photo is the site of the murder scene.
Let’s Meet for Coffee
A memoir about online dating by Steven Michael Hubele. The author highlights his dating experiences in each chapter.
The BIG Book of Hearing Our Way
A commemorative Hearing Our Way 10th Anniversary book featuring favorite articles and resources for kids and teens with hearing loss.
Spread Light Winter 2024
Hearing Our Way winter magazine: “Spread Light” is the theme featuring Sam and a special sports presentation.