Owner | Art Director | Graphic Designer at Nehmen-Kodner
If you’re self-publishing your book, you’ll need to open accounts with online companies such as IngramSpark, KDP, or others. Additionally, you might choose to buy your own ISBNs from Bowker (MyIdentifiers.com). Properly managing these accounts and ensuring consistent information is crucial to avoid potential headaches down the line. The Problem: Error Message Recently, one of…
The cover photo of a jail cell and lock is a stock image enhanced with Photoshop. It represents a journalist who refused to reveal his source. This is a fictional novel based on a real court decisions and events the author witnessed in court, including a legal document, research papers, and newspaper and magazine pieces…
A true crime story of a murder at Jacks Fork River in 1984. The cover photo is the site of the murder scene.
A memoir about online dating by Steven Michael Hubele. The author highlights his dating experiences in each chapter.
A commemorative Hearing Our Way 10th Anniversary book featuring favorite articles and resources for kids and teens with hearing loss.