A Successful Small Catalog Project for Hispanic Audiences

Sometimes the most impactful design projects arise from modest beginnings. Recently, I had the privilege of working on a small catalog project for a group of dedicated Sisters who manage bookstores and publish materials for a religious order. Targeting the vibrant and diverse Hispanic community, this project yielded successful results at a recent conference. Meeting the Challenge The Sisters…

Today we purged

Today we purged the majority of old printed samples we have kept in the basement for more than twenty years.   Why did we purge? The shelves were full, and we needed space. Recently, we talked about how to manage those shelves. What should we do with all this material we had once thought was so…

What a way to start my day

What a way to start my day!   Monday morning, a client’s email said, “This cover ID number should say 10520. Please, please tell me the print version doesn’t have the wrong year too?!!! We had 3k of these printed!”  Oh no, this is bad news! My heart started pounding, and I hadn’t finished breakfast yet. What…