A designer’s dream project

Working with artist Susan Zimmerman was a designer’s dream project. I was referred to Susan by printer Tim Malott of HF Group.  Susan is a ceramicist and photographer. I met with her to discuss her book, The Light in the Kiva and wrote an estimate for book design. I have always wanted to design an art book! “The Light in…


extra steps in book design

Extra steps in book design

Many first-time authors have never published a book before, and they are unaware of the extra steps involved in the process. My primary focus is book design, but taking extra steps such as guidance and suggestions, will help authors reach their goal.  Extra steps for “Anne,” a first-time author  •  Was Anne going to do an ebook or print book? She intended to…


Privacy policy and email

As a graphic designer, I subscribe to a lot of stock illustration and photo websites and I trust them to keep my contact and other information safe. But, sometimes, despite your best efforts and the faith you put into online service providers, you get a surprise. For example, this week, I got an email from…


Be a prepared author.

Do your homework before you meet with a book designer!Recently, I met with an author at a local coffee shop. Dave started the conversation by giving me a detailed description of his book—very detailed. I interrupted him by asking my standard first question: Can you tell me what your book is about in two or…


A voice from the past

The email message said, “A voice from the past.” My former corporate client, Annie, had switched departments in her company, and it had been more than a year since I heard from her. She now needed help with an unfinished design assignment. Annie said the project was a community-involvement book for investors. “Did anyone from…
